Nature Celebration
Nature Celebration
6th - 30th July 2022
Cornwall Contemporary
1 Parade Street
TR18 4BU
Telephone: 01736 874749
“We delight in nature and living in Cornwall I am so aware of just how much there is to observe and learn about. Nature invites us to awaken our senses and renew our minds and bodies. While walking alone your focus moves from an internal landscape to the external one. Finding yourself fascinated with the perfect geometry of a dandelion seed head or sitting under a mature Oak tree and thinking about how connected the trees are knowing that if one tree lacks a nutrient then its neighbour will generously supply what is needed. I am always hoping to capture a little of how it feels to be outside, the light and something of the energy of the day. My paintings are keys that can unlock these feelings and memories, taking fleeting moments and making them solid and fixed in time. Art surely is a very serious play and this collection is a playful celebration of nature”.
Maggie Matthews.
"Nature offers us all precious breathing space away from the stresses and strains of modern life, it enables us to experience joy and wonder, to slow down and to appreciate the wildlife that lives side-by-side with us.”
David Attenborough.
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